Peter Stastny / Peter Lehmann (eds.)
Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry. The great book of alternatives to psychiatry
around the world. E-book
E-book, English language, 457 pages. New edition.
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Print edition
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in large size | Cover
back-side | Contents
| About the editors
co-authors | Preface
by Robert Whitaker | Introduction
to the book | Introductions
to the book's main chapters | Extract
| Reviews
| Edition in German,
| Information
in Czech | Shipping
costs | Home
About the BookThe great book of alternatives
to psychiatry around the world. The book highlights alternatives beyond
psychiatry, current possibilities for self-help for individuals experiencing
madness or depression, and strategies toward implementing humane treatment.
Sixty-one authors (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry, therapists,
psychiatrists, lawyers, social scientists and relatives from all five
continents report about their alternative work, their objectives
and successes, and their individual and collective experiences.
These are some of the questions, which are addressed by the authors:
What helps me if I go mad or depressive? How
can I find trustworthy help for a relative or a friend in need? How
can I protect myself from coercive treatment? As
a family member or friend, how can I help? What
should I do if I can no longer bear to work in the mental health field? What
are the alternatives to psychiatry? How
can I get involved in creating alternatives? Assuming
psychiatry would be abolished, what do you propose instead?
Introductions to the book's main chapters
Why psychiatry hurts
more than it helps
General and specific
beneficiaries of alternative approaches
Realizing alternatives
and humane treatment
Why we need alternatives
to psychiatry
About the Editors
Stastny (right) was born in Vienna, Austria, where he graduated
from medical school in 1976. Since 1978, he has been working and residing
in New York City. Taught at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
in the Bronx until 2009 and has conducted several publically funded
research projects in the area of vocational rehabilitation, social support
and self-help, in collaboration with individuals who had survived personal
crises and psychiatric interventions. Currently, Dr. Stastny is working
on the development of alternative services that obviate psychiatric
intervention and offer autonomous paths towards recovery and full integration.
These activities have engendered a close collaboration with the user-survivor
movement, as manifested by joint research projects, publications, service
demonstrations, and community work. He is a founding member of the International
Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery (INTAR). More
about Peter Stastny
Peter Lehmann (left), D. Phil. h.c., is a certified pedagogue, independent
publisher, author, freelance activist in Berlin, and Associate of the International
Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Since 1979, he regularly speaks
on and publishes in the field of alternatives beyond psychiatry, support
in coming off psychiatric drugs, and safeguarding human rights of people
with psychiatric diagnoses. He was co-founder and, until 2010, for many
years board-member of the European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors
of Psychiatry. In 2010, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, and in 2011, the Order of Merit of the Federal
Republic of Germany by the President of Germany. English publications include,
from Prescribed Psychotropic Drugs (edited in 2024 together with
Craig Newnes); Coming
off Psychiatric Drugs: Successful Withdrawal from Neuroleptics, Antidepressants,
Mood Stabilizers, Ritalin and Tranquilizers, edited in 2004; e-book
in 2024). More
about Peter Lehmann |