Peter Lehmann

Peter Lehmann

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Short Biography

D. Phil. h.c., born in 1950 in Calw (Black Forest), Germany. Certified pedagogue, living in Berlin. Survived violent psychiatric treatment in the 1970s. Working as independent social scientist, publisher, author, medical journalist and freelance activist of humanistic antipsychiatry.

1990-2000, member the editorial group of Changes – An International Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy (London), since 2000 of the following Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (Lancaster). 1994-2000, board member of the German organisation of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (BPE).1997-2000, member of the Executive Committee of Mental Health Europe (then the European section of the World Federation for Mental Health). Currently, blogger at Mad in America. Associate of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Member of the Specialist Committee for Psychiatric Drugs of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für soziale Psychiatrie e.V. (German Society for Social Psychiatry). More see Curriculum vitae, Memberships, Wikipedia, Researchgate, Academia, Facebook & Instagram.

Foundations & Co-foundations

In 1980, co-founder of a self-help group of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry and advising in psychiatric drugs and withdrawal until 1989. In 1986, foundation of Peter Lehmann Publishing (Germany); in 2003, founding of a branch in UK, 2004-2015 in the USA. In 1987, co-founder of PSYCHEX (alliance of lawyers, doctors and survivors of psychiatry to support people who are incarcerated in psychiatric institutions in Switzerland; since 2015, also PSYCHEXODUS); since then, board member. In 1989, co-founder and 1995-1999 board-member of the Organisation for the Protection from Psychiatric Violence (running the Runaway-House Berlin: house for people seeking shelter from psychiatric violence, opened in 1996). 1991, co-founder of the European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP); from 1997-1999, Chair of ENUSP; until 2010, board member. In 1997, co-founder of the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP). More see Commitments & Memberships.

Awards & Honours

In 2010, awarded an Honorary Doctorate in acknowledgement of "exceptional scientific and humanitarian contribution to the rights of the people with psychiatric experience" by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). In 2011, awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in acknowledgement of service to the community by the President of Germany.

Book Publications include,

Upcoming events  ·  Training offer  ·  Achievement of full human rights and appropriate support for people with psychiatric problems  ·  Contributions in anthologies and specialists' magazines  ·  All publications  ·  Lectures & trainings  ·  Memberships  ·  E-mail contact  ·  Imprint  ·  Data protection